CHAPTER 24. Knight in shining armor

CHAPTER 24. Knight in shining armor

Andrea felt a tightness in her chest that was hard to describe. She usually didn't care what people thought of her, but it hurt to hear women she had worked with for over four months speak so superficially about what had happened with Trembley or what she was doing with Zack.

"Still workplace prostitution," another woman laughed. "Though I'd do the boss for free!"

"That's true, I don't want a promotion, just eating up that hunk is enough for me," another said.

"Well, Andrea got the promotion and the hunk! It's no different than if she had slept with Trembley. The fact that he's attractive doesn't mean she didn't do it for the promotion."

Andrea clenched her fists in frustration. All the women sitting there had come to her for favors more than once, and Andrea had helped them gladly. She didn't expect them to repay her, but she would have settled for them not speaking badly about her behind her back.

"We all thought she was a complicated girl, one of
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