CHAPTER 23. A daycare

CHAPTER 23. A daycare

"You damn idiot, that's not urgent! You scared the hell out of me! Look up 'urgent' in the dictionary and let me fuck in peace! Call me tomorrow!" Ben shouted before hanging up, and Zack stared at the phone.

"He must be having terrible sex to be in such a bad mood..." he joked and got to work himself.

That night, he reviewed the company records and found that seven moms needed daycare support. So by the time Ben arrived the next day, Zack was already deep into the paperwork.

"Wouldn't it be better to include daycare in the insurance?" Ben asked when he saw Zack searching for the perfect spot to set up the daycare on the floor.

"No, because this way, the moms can have their babies close by. I assure you, they'll all feel more at ease."

"All of them, or just Andrea?" his friend asked slyly.

"I know your fucking schedule, Ben. Do you want me to interrupt you every day?" Zack threatened, and Ben shook his head.

"No, sir, thank you very much! OK, let's get to work the
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