CHAPTER 22. Hospital or jail?

CHAPTER 22. Hospital or jail?

Zack squeezed Andrea's hand for a moment and assured her that he would take care of Adriana. The young woman ran after her neighbor, crossed the hallway, and entered Mrs. Wilson's house. The poor old woman was breathing heavily, as if she had asthma or something, but Andrea knew it wasn't that.

"Calm down, Mrs. Wilson, we've already called the ambulance. The paramedics will be here soon," she said gently, holding her hand.

Shortly after, they heard the sound of the ambulance siren, and they quickly put her on a stretcher while giving her oxygen.

Both Mildred and Andrea were nervous because they didn't want her to go alone, but the truth was, the lady had no family to accompany her.

"Does anyone know her allergies?" a paramedic asked, and Andrea immediately started filling out the form. "We need to take her to the hospital. Who will accompany her?"

Andrea and Mildred looked at each other, worried.

"I have all the kids at home, and two of them have a bad fl
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