CHAPTER 21. One Last Gift

CHAPTER 21. One Last Gift

"Yes, in onesies, but for boys," the clerk replied.

"I don't care! She's a tough baby! Isn't that right, my love? You're going to wear a snowboarding onesie!" he exclaimed, making a funny face, and Adriana burst out laughing.

Andrea leaned against one of the racks, watching the scene. She couldn't begin to express how happy she felt knowing her daughter would have so many nice things, but it was also a reminder of everything that was missing. By January, Adriana wouldn’t have a father to hug or spoil her, and she felt it was her fault.

Helplessness welled up in her eyes as she watched them, and when Zack turned to her, he noticed she was hurriedly wiping away tears.

"Hey, I'm sorry if I'm going overboard... it's just that baby stuff is so cute that I want everything for her," he said gently.

"It's okay, I think I have to accept that you're the type to go overboard often," Andrea smiled.

"Perfect, in that case, you'll forgive me for the last one!" he exclaimed
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