CHAPTER 10. Can't or Won't!?

CHAPTER 10. Can't or Won't!?

“That’s a woman! One who doesn’t want to sleep with you! Or did that glass of vomit not tell you anything?” Zack retorted sarcastically, because Andrea had had the most honest reaction in the world.

“She wants to move up! Promotions cost, that’s no news. She came here on her own, so she can deal with the consequences of her decision,” Trembley spat with contempt. “That’s how climber sluts are: if she wants to climb up, who am I to refuse?”

Zack gritted his teeth in anger.

“Do you think I’m stupid?” he hissed in disgust. “Andrea didn’t come here because she wants to move up, she came because you fired her.” Trembley clenched his teeth in disbelief. “That’s right. I went into your office and saw the dismissal letter. You swapped her job, which she depends on, for sleeping with you…”

“You’re fired!” Trembley shouted furiously. “You can’t break into a manager’s office! I’m the boss in that company and you’re just another employee! Tomorrow morning, you’re fire
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