CHAPTER 17. A Baby for Christmas

CHAPTER 17. A Baby for Christmas

“Yes, here it is… I’m sorry, it hasn’t been the best day.”

“It’s okay, I’m happy to help…” Behind her, Zack heard the unmistakable sound of a baby crying, and Andrea trying to soothe her. “I’m sorry, Mr. Keller… What were you saying?... Shshshsh, it’s okay, my love…”

“No, nothing, again, I apologize for bothering you so late…”

“Of course, no problem… Yes, my dear, calm down… Mommy’s going to give you your bottle, calm down… let’s go…”

Zack couldn’t help but smile unconsciously at the way Andrea handled her little baby. And then, a light bulb went off in his brain, complete with fireworks!

He quickly said goodbye and hung up the phone, then turned to Ben.

“You’re a genius!” he shouted, and his friend looked at him, startled.

“I already know that, but boost my ego and explain why!” Ben replied.

“That joke you made the other day, your tasteless joke, it’s perfect now,” Zack exclaimed. “‘Urgent notice: Magnate rents family for Christmas,’ it seems crazy…”

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