CHAPTER 18. A Fake Boyfriend

CHAPTER 18. A Fake Boyfriend

Andrea looked around, confused, as if Zack had just hit her over the head with something blunt.

“What are you looking for?” he asked, frowning.

“A hidden camera...” she replied. “Or the straitjacket you must have around here... because you don’t seem very sane right now.”

He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself.

“Okay, sorry if I expressed myself poorly, it’s just that I’m nervous…”

“And you should be! You don’t ask something like this of anyone!” Andrea declared, eyes wide.

Zack stood up and walked around his desk to sit in a chair closer to her.

“Listen, I know this might seem crazy, but it’s really an important favor for me,” he said, looking her in the eyes. “My father is sick, very sick, and the doctor said these might be the last Christmases he spends with us. My parents think I have a family, a girlfriend, and a baby, and I don’t want to show up there and have to tell them it’s all a lie.”

Andrea’s brow furrowed, and her mouth unconsciously fo
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