CHAPTER 16. What happened to Dad?

CHAPTER 16. What happened to Dad?

Zack felt a lump in his throat when he heard his mother’s voice; she was tearful and agitated, and he immediately knew something bad had happened.

“What happened to Dad?” he asked as he sat down, fearing his legs might give out.

“Your dad had another heart attack, son,” his mother said in a trembling voice. “We had to rush him to the hospital...”

“And how is he?”

“Well... stable for now, but the doctor has decided to put him on the transplant list.”

Zack was struck dumb with shock. It wasn’t unexpected, his father had been sick with heart problems for a long time, but he was still a young man, barely sixty years old.

“I’m coming over...” he said, getting up immediately.

“No,” his mother stopped him. “We’re going to be here for a few days and then take him to the cabin in Lucerne. He wants to be there for Christmas, you know it’s our tradition. I just ask that you come. Come and bring your family so your father can finally meet them, son. He wants us a
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