CHAPTER 15. Bad news

CHAPTER 15. Bad news

—Well, I can confirm it, but I don’t have them —she murmured worriedly—. All the backups were with Trembley or they’re in the...!

They looked at each other in horror.

—The server room! —they shouted simultaneously, running out of the office.

No one probably expected to see the new owner and his secretary running like kids across the floor and skidding to a stop at the stairwell, before racing up to the top level, but that’s exactly what happened.

—Tell me they took Trembley straight out to the street! —Andrea exclaimed.

—I hope so! —Zack replied, taking the stairs two at a time.

They arrived panting and nervous, praying that Trembley hadn’t tampered with the backups. The head of the building's servers said he hadn’t seen Trembley that day and handed them backups from a week ago.

As quickly as they had run up, they ran back down and plugged the hard drive into Zack’s computer to check it. Two minutes later, Zack was running his hands through his hair while Andrea w
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