CHAPTER 14. I thought you didn’t want to fire me

CHAPTER 14. I thought you didn’t want to fire me

Andrea stumbled after him, entering that office without fear for the first time in months. Ben, Zack's partner, smiled kindly at her, keeping to himself his impression that she was the most disheveled woman he had ever met.

"Are you okay?" Zack asked, and she replied with a trembling voice, "Yes."

"It seems like you’ve been asking me that a lot lately..." she murmured. "Sorry...! I mean, you're asking me! I shouldn't be so informal... anyway... thank you for not letting them fire me, sir... really."

Zack nodded, smiling, because if she seemed nervous before, now she looked much worse.

"I told you to trust me, that I would handle it, and I’m a man of my word," he stated. "I’m sorry it wasn’t fast enough, but I needed to get that man out of this company once and for all and make sure he couldn’t hurt anyone the way he wanted to hurt you. You understand that, right?"

Andrea hugged herself, finding it all too surreal.

"Yes... of course. And
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