CHAPTER 12. The Good Deed of the Day

CHAPTER 12. The Good Deed of the Day

By the time they parted ways, both of their hearts were pounding, but for very different reasons. Andrea set her phone alarm half an hour earlier, and Zack took his phone to call his best friend.

“Ben, I need to see you right now. It’s urgent.”

Ten hours later, as Andrea hurried to the office, she noticed that her boss’s car was already there. But when she got to her floor, she realized that Zack wasn’t around. At least there wasn’t a scandal yet, but her boss’s anger was unmistakable.

“Get out of here! You’re fired!” Trembley spat at her, throwing the dismissal letter, stamped by Human Resources, onto her small desk first thing in the morning.

Andrea couldn’t hold back her tears and shook her head.

“No, you can’t fire me, especially... especially for what it says here!” she exclaimed in desperation. “Incompetence? I’m not incompetent! I even studied for a better position, but you wouldn’t test me!”

“Because you didn’t let me,” Trembley hissed unde
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