Chapter 6234
“You want me to apologize?”

Boone chuckled coldly.

“You don’t have the right! You even look like a kept man! Move, or I’ll kill you next!”

Kylan let out a sigh before lightly waving his hand.

A few people stood up and immediately rushed toward Boone, beating up the two fighters beside him before kicking him to the ground.

Someone even smashed a bottle of wine on Boone’s head when the fight got more intense.

After dealing with Boone and the others, they were then dragged out of the place.

Kylan’s expressions didn’t change that much.

“How dare you try to steal my women, you bald fuck?!” he exclaimed with hidden intent. “I’m already giving you a chance by keeping you alive!”

He then gently looked at Harvey before speaking up again.

“I don’t have a lot of bad habits, but I do despise people stealing my women.

“I couldn’t stand that bald man, thinking that he could do everything just because he had a bit of money.

“Were you inspired by the situation, perhaps?”

Rayan and the ot
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