Chapter 6240
“Harvey’s still so handsome, after all!” Xynthia muttered to herself.

“No wonder he’s got guts to go against Young Master Kylan. He’s good at fighting after all,” Cason muttered with an odd gaze.

“It’s a shame that combat skill won’t do much in this day and age.

“Other than being a good fighter or a bodyguard, there’s no chance for him to go big at all!”

Even though Kylan suffered such a huge loss, Cason still believed that he could hold Harvey down with his status and identity.

‘So what if he can fight? Can he even go against firearms? He’s not invincible!’

Harvey ignored the crowd and instead looked curiously at Caelum, who only stood still without doing anything.

“If you didn’t come for me and Xynthia in the first place, I wouldn’t have gotten myself involved in your stupid business.

“Of course, the point still stands. Apologize, and I’ll let you off the hook.

“After all, I’m not your target in the first place. As for Kylan, you can do whatever you want with him.”

Caelum g
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