Chapter 6233

As Kylan and Rayan were thinking of ways to deal with Harvey and Xynthia…

A loud bang was heard when the door was kicked open.

Three men in suits came in soon after. One of them was a bald man strapped with golden chains, and the other two were fighters standing behind him.

The bald man came in with his cigar in hand, glancing around the room. His eyes lit up when he saw the beautiful students. Then, his gaze shifted towards Cason.

“Oh? Isn’t that Mr. Cason?

“Do I finally have the honor of bumping into you today?

“Where are my eighteen students?

“I don’t think there’s enough here right now!”

The bald man stood in front of Cason before tapping the latter’s face. He then wiped his hand on Cason’s shirt with utter disdain.

Kylan, Rayan, and the others frowned when they saw the bald man, but they didn’t say a word about it either.

Harvey instinctively stood in front of Xynthia as he casually sipped his water.

Cason kept changing expressions before finally forcing out a smi
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