Chapter 6236
“This is a high-class establishment; I don’t want to ruin my mood by causing trouble here.

“How about this? Get your men together and apologize. I’ll let you off the hook after that.”

The man sized up Kylan for a moment.

“You want me, Caelum Hughes, to apologize? At least show me your trump card before even demanding such a thing. How are you supposed to scare me if you don’t?”

Kylan pridefully threw out a name card. “Just take a look for yourself.”

Caelum picked up the card before showing a cold smile.

“Kylan Hunt? From the Hunt family?

“Sorry! Never heard of you! I might pay my respect to Ethan Hunt himself.

“But you…”


Caelum instantly kicked Kylan in the chest.

Kylan was caught off guard; he screamed in pain as he flew straight at the table. The entire place was a mess. Sounds of bones cracking were heard as well.

Kylan felt instantly sluggish; he didn’t die, but he could hear his own bones breaking. He desperately tried to scream, but he couldn’t even make a sound
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