Chapter 6238
Before anyone had a chance to speak, Boone instantly pointed at Xynthia with a smile.

“You’ll be treating Young Master Caelum tonight, girl. You’ll have a lot of benefits as long as he’s happy.”

Xynthia’s expression worsened; despite having seen a lot of things, she instinctively hid behind Harvey’s after being scared.

Harvey put his utensils down, and glared at Boone.

“Sorry, but we have nothing to do with Kylan. I don’t care what you’re going to do. We won’t get involved. But you better not piss me off, either.”

“Oh? Saving the damsel in distress, eh?”

Boone froze before showing a playful expression.

‘Even Kylan’s already on the ground, but an ordinary-looking man is still planning to oppose me?! What a joke!’

Xynthia was simply too beautiful; Caelum would love toying with such a pure goddess.

Without him even saying a word, Boone knew exactly what to do.

“We’ll see how you protect her now, you bastard!”

Boone stepped forward while chuckling coldly, planning to slap Harvey
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