Chapter 6237
After hearing Caelum’s words and seeing his attitude…

Kylan already knew that Caelum was leagues above him. If not, the man wouldn’t have acted this pompously in a place like Wolsing.

Kylan had no choice but to force out a smile.

“Young Master Caelum! The Hunt family has good connections with other sacred martial arts training grounds. This was a mistake! We’re family here!”

“Do you think I’m one of you?”

Caelum stepped up before slapping Kylan around.

“You go against my people, steal my women, then say that we’re family?

“What? You think I won’t kill you just because you’re from the Hunt family?

“If I kill you right now, your family would have to apologize at my damn doorstep tomorrow! Don’t believe me?!”

Kylan’s face was as swollen as a pig’s, but he still wouldn’t dare talk back.

“I’m sorry, Young Master Caelum. This was all my fault,” he said, gritting his teeth with his head lowered.

“So you do know that it was your fault!”

Caelum stepped up with a wretched smile befo
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