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El renacer de Rebeca

El renacer de Rebeca

Rebeca Bencomo es una mujer de 25 años de edad, tiene una hermosa niña de 9 años y ocupa su tiempo desempeñándose como vendedora en una boutique de damas muy exclusiva de la ciudad. Su vida familiar es complicada, puesto que ella es la encargada de sostener su hogar, además de tener a cargo toda la educación de su pequeña hija. Está casada desde hace varios años con un hombre machista que la maltrata y la rechaza por sus problemas de obesidad. A pesar de que ella se siente acomplejada con su aspecto, es la que está al frente de todo y, de no ser por ella, ni su esposo ni su hija pudieran sobrevivir.
2.4K leiturasOngoing
You are my dream

You are my dream

A. C. Mabrano
Renato draws a lot of attention. He is as vibrant as his classes at the Sweat Drop gym. Luciana, a well-dedicated tourism student, explores exciting ecological destinations in the Pantanal of Brazil. Would they have an opportunity to meet, beyond the dream?
2.5K leiturasCompleted
Fated for alpha twins

Fated for alpha twins

Clara is already a 22-year-old wolf who hasn't found her mate yet. Weak and nearly blind, she has been shunned by both her pack and abused by her parents. Without hope, she has decided to end her life.Only the Moon Goddess was not expected to thwart her plans by putting in her path not one, but two twin wolves, separated as pups, seeking the place of the alpha and claiming her as their mate. Without caring about the means to have her by his side and come out as the complete winner.Even putting both Clara's emotional stability and life in danger. And she will only be able to use what is inside her, which has protected her since she was a puppy, teaching those two possessive and selfish wolves that she is not a toy, even if she has to give them up.
102.1K leiturasCompleted
Amor en Dolares

Amor en Dolares

"Love on Dollars" es una historia de romance multimillonario que retrata el poder del amor verdadero en medio de secretos, traiciones y desafíos. Emily y Alexander aprenderán que el amor y el coraje pueden superar cualquier obstáculo, mientras luchan por construir una vida juntos en medio del despiadado mundo de los ricos y poderosos.
2.7K leiturasCompleted


REVENGE is the story of a teenager who is forced to commit a crime while trying to save her mother from the clutches of a terrible aggressor, and since then her life trajectory has been made only of pain, suffering and persecution, until she meets a man who out of love decides to help her find peace, freedom and complete happiness.
2.5K leiturasCompleted


SOPHIA is the fictional story of a woman who, since childhood, suffers from being born into an inadequate and miserable family, but carries in her heart the hope that one day it will be possible to change the damned luck that fate has in store for her. At the age of thirteen she is raped and becomes haunted by men, yet she struggles to love them and is betrayed, completely revolting with the opposite sex and finding happiness with another woman, which lasts a few years, but soon he is disappointed and goes on in the dark, living several relationships, failing in all of them. Until she finally meets the one she marries and lives moments of full happiness, she becomes a mother, but destiny takes her daughter and her great love from her during a serious accident. He goes through moments of despair, darkness and anguish, until finally he meets Vera Lúcia, his soul mate, who similarly went through the same trials, but now they know each other and the friendship that arises from that moment gives an end to the suffering that it has been chasing ever since, allowing them to smile without fear of waking up from such a beautiful dream.
1.8K leiturasCompleted


Paulo Henrique is left at the altar for the fourth time after several attempts to be happy in love and goes into a deep depression. Disappointed with the women, he escapes into himself, living isolated in the dark of a room in total anguish, located on the outskirts of the city. Surrounded by drug dealers, drug addicts and deep social misery. He doesn't want to see the light of day or make new friends, and he makes silence and eternal loneliness his best companion.
1.8K leiturasCompleted
Lothar Weber

Lothar Weber

Annika Klein es una huérfana que vive en un monasterio, donde finge ser devota mientras oculta un oscuro secreto que podría costarle la vida. Todo cambia cuando su secreto es descubierto por Rainer Vogel, un hombre cruel y despiadado, quien la lleva de regreso a la ciudad donde comenzó su pesadilla. Allí, la obliga a casarse con él para tener un hijo, prometiéndole guardar su secreto si acepta todas sus condiciones. Su vida marital se convierte en un tormento, pero cuando su despiadado esposo le permite trabajar y no la mantiene solo como una muñeca decorativa, Annika ve una oportunidad para escapar de su sufrimiento. Termina por trabajar en una antigua mansión, donde su nuevo jefe es un hombre temible y enigmático, siempre cubierto por una capucha oscura que oculta su rostro. Nadie sabe quién es, ni se atreve a acercarse a él. Sin embargo, cada vez que Annika se encuentra con esos ojos de color titanio que parecen quemarlo todo, siente una atracción peligrosa e incontrolable. ¿Y si él también siente algo por ella, por esa mujer prohibida? Tal vez ese monstruo sombrío necesite a su bella. Pero, ¿qué sucederá cuando el secreto de Annika salga a la luz? Un secreto tan profundo que podría destruir cualquier posibilidad de felicidad con un hombre que sabe que no debe desear, un hombre que la lleva al límite de sus más oscuros deseos.
101.3K leiturasOngoing
Teenager´s Ambitions

Teenager´s Ambitions

It was a low-class family similar to all others, with its social and economic difficulties that prevented it from boasting luxury and grandeur. The daily life of its members was based on the need for everything, which caused constant inertia in some and total revolt in others. This was the case with Nathália, a teenager who was completely embittered by the poverty that surrounded her on all sides. She was not born with the capacity to love, she saw this feeling with contempt and made fun of seeing people in love. Their purpose in dating that rich young man was simply in order that they could get married and secure the future. After all, he was the sole heir to a great fortune, he would become the owner of all the family's assets after his father's death, a great businessman with an important name in the business world. His ambition was limitless.
1.8K leiturasCompleted
Heart of Ice

Heart of Ice

João Felipe Mendes de Albuquerque, the firstborn son of a billionaire entrepreneur, was raised to believe that he should never get involved with people from a different social class. However, destiny brings him together with Viviane Silva, the daughter of the mansion's employees, who has loved him forever. Although João tries to resist this forbidden love, his feelings surprise him, as well as Viviane's determination not to submit to his coldness and arrogance. Amidst a battle of emotions, they discover that love is irresistible and unpredictable.
954 leiturasCompleted
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