Chapter 23 – The competitor

Bethany had kissed other men before. But it had been an encounter of lips, not an encounter of souls, as was the case when she kissed Omar.

She woke up thinking about him. His dark hair which was so soft to touch, his bright eyes that weren´t afraid to transmit to her what he was feeling, and his mouth. It felt so right to kiss him and she wished the kiss would never end.

But all these feelings upset her. What was she? A powerful tycoon woman that could change and impact people´s lives or a very silly young girl who was in love with a prince?

For a moment she chose the second option, only to be able to kiss Omar again.

But then she took the decision of not indulging in these daydreams.

The nerve of the man. He had kept away for many years without any contact with her to finally show up demanding kisses? Unacceptable.

And what was all that talk about marriage? As if she had been sitting around idly waiting for his decision about h

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