The signing of the contract.

“The truth is… I’m not doing this for love. I mean, he doesn’t love me,” I confessed, feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment.

“What do you mean?” Luka asked, astonished.

“I mean that my marriage is just a formality, a piece of paper. I’m doing it because… I need the money,” I admitted, feeling a deep sense of shame wash over me.

“You don’t have to do that! I’ll give you the money. Just tell me how much you need,” he offered, clearly taken aback by my response.

“I don’t want to owe anyone anything. I already have enough debt weighing me down,” I replied, feeling the burden press even harder on my shoulders.

“I’m telling you, I’ll give you the money you need. I don’t want you to pay me back,” Luka insisted, his voice filled with urgency.

“I’m sorry, but the decision has already been made. I’m going to marry my boss. All I ask is that you don’t tell my mother. She thinks everything is fine, that I’ve landed a great position at the company, and that’s how I’ve been able to cover the expenses. I don’t want her to worry,” I pleaded.

“I don’t agree with this marriage. You should marry me instead. You and I, we had a beautiful love story. I still believe we can pick up the pieces and build something even more beautiful,” Luka said, his eyes searching mine for hope.

“I’ve already given my word to my boss, Luka. I’m sorry. Besides, what we had was a long time ago. I don’t want to give you false hope,” I said softly, trying not to hurt him more than I already had.

“Are you in love with him?” Luka asked, his voice tinged with indignation.

“I’m sorry, Luka…” I whispered.

“Does he know you’re in love with him?” Luka pressed on.

“No… he doesn’t. But I’ve loved him in secret for two long years. Marrying him feels like my only chance to be close to him,” I admitted, my voice trembling with the weight of my confession.

“I don’t understand, Cristina. You’re selling yourself to your boss because of debt, and that’s not right,” Luka said, his voice a mix of disbelief and sadness.

“I know it’s wrong… but I have to solve my financial problems, Luka. I want to give my mother more time, and if that requires money, then I’ll do it,” I responded, my heart heavy with the decision I’d already made.

“You know you’ve always meant the world to me, but I can’t agree with this. I’ve never stopped loving you. We could be happy together, Cristina. We could rebuild what you think is lost,” Luka pleaded, his words pulling at my heart.

“Luka, it’s already decided. The day after tomorrow, I’m marrying my boss. I don’t want you to interfere,” I said firmly, putting an end to the conversation.

“Fine. It’s late, I should go. I need to find a hotel until I can sort things out,” Luka said, his voice subdued, as if he had finally accepted my decision.

“Don’t go. You can stay here. There’s a room available for you,” I offered, not wanting him to leave so late at night.

“I’ll take you up on that. I’m exhausted from the long trip,” he said, offering a small smile.

“I’ll show you to your room. And feel free to stay as long as you need. My mother spends most of her time in the hospital anyway, and once I’m married, I’ll be moving to my husband’s house,” I explained.

“I’ll think about it. I promise,” Luka replied before giving me a kiss on the forehead and wrapping me in a warm embrace.

After leaving Luka in his room, I went straight to mine. I collapsed onto the bed, but just as I was about to close my eyes, I heard the sound of an engine starting. I rushed to the window and couldn’t believe what I saw—Jack’s car. He hadn’t left yet. His vehicle had just started, and then… he drove away.


The next morning at the office.

“Good morning,” I greeted as I stepped into Jack’s office.

“Good morning, Miss,” Jack replied without looking up from his computer.

Before I could say another word, Daniel walked in with some documents in hand.

“Good morning,” Daniel said as he entered.

“Good morning, Daniel. Do you have what I asked for?” Jack inquired, extending his hand to take the papers Daniel was holding.

“Yes, everything’s ready. I’ll see you later,” Daniel responded, handing over the documents before leaving.

As soon as Daniel left, I was about to follow, but Jack’s voice stopped me in my tracks.

“Please, take a seat,” Jack said with an air of seriousness.

“I’m all ears, sir,” I replied innocently, sitting down.

“This document that Daniel just delivered… It’s the contract for our fake marriage. I need you to sign it, but first, we need to go over a few points,” Jack said, his voice calm and measured.

“Of course. What do we need to review? Everything is clear to me,” I responded, hiding my surprise.

“It’s always best to make things crystal clear. This contract outlines everything we discussed. You’re not allowed to fall in love, we won’t have children, you can’t speak of love, and you can’t get jealous. We can both live our own lives, but discreetly—I don’t want to be the subject of any rumors,” Jack said, his eyes scanning the contract.

“Everything’s perfectly clear, sir,” I assured him.

“Also, our contract will last only two years. After that, I’ll give you your freedom, and the most important thing for you—you’ll receive a large sum of money twice a month,” Jack concluded.

“It’s all very clear, sir. Don’t worry, I’ll abide by the terms,” I responded with confidence.

“Then please sign. Tomorrow at noon, instead of lunch, the civil judge will come here, and we’ll get married. No need to make a fuss about it,” Jack instructed.

“Very well, sir. Is there anything else?” I asked as I signed the contract.

“I believe that’s all. Just carry on with your normal workday, and remember, after the wedding, you’ll need to move into my mansion,” Jack said, avoiding eye contact.

I left Jack’s office with my nerves on edge. I couldn’t wait to tell my best friend everything, so I called her to meet for lunch.

In Jack’s office.

“Are you ready for your wedding?” Daniel asked as he walked back into the office.

“I’m not. You know I’ve always wanted to marry the only woman I’ve ever loved,” Jack replied.

“I know. But she disappeared, Jack. She left without giving you any explanation,” Daniel reminded him.

“I’m certain it was for a powerful reason. She would never have left me otherwise,” Jack insisted.

“I’m not so sure. From what I saw, she was more interested in your father’s money,” Daniel remarked.

“Don’t say that again. That woman loved me, and I still love her. When I find her, I’ll win her back, and I’ll marry her,” Jack said with determination.

“I just hope it’s after your contract ends,” Daniel joked.

“Thanks for everything, Daniel,” Jack said, ending the conversation.


At lunch with my best friend, Florencia.

“My dear friend! Finally, I get to see you after so many days!” Florencia exclaimed with excitement.

“There’s been so much work at the company. It’s important that I keep this job,” I responded calmly.

“I know, with everything going on with your mother, you really need this job. But I get the feeling you invited me here to tell me something important,” Florencia said, intrigued.

“Florencia, I’m getting married,” I blurted out, still in shock myself.

“What? Who are you marrying? You don’t even have a boyfriend!” Florencia exclaimed.

“I’m marrying my boss. It’s all part of a contract,” I explained.

“I can’t believe it. What kind of contract?” she asked, her eyes wide.

“Florencia, my boss needs a wife, and I need to pay off all my debts,” I confessed.

“So, you’ll be his wife in exchange for money? All to clear your debts? That sounds like… ‘Sold for a debt,’” Florencia said, half-joking.

“Don’t say it like that! It sounds awful—‘Sold for a debt,’” I repeated with a laugh, not quite believing it myself.

“This is a shock! When’s the wedding?” Florencia asked, clearly interested.

“I’m getting married tomorrow at noon, but don’t worry, there’s no celebration. The civil judge will come to the office, and that’s where we’ll get married,” I explained, sadness creeping into my voice.

“That’s to be expected, I guess. If it’s just a piece of paper, I’d do the same. But friend, think carefully—marriage is serious,” Florencia advised.

“It’s only for two years. Time flies. And I’ll say it again—I need the money,” I said firmly.

“I’m not judging you, friend. I support you in whatever you decide. In fact, I might do the same in your situation,” Florencia said, her words a soothing balm to my anxious heart. She meant the world to me.

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