The coldness of my husband
The coldness of my husband
Por: Jean C.
The secretary.

My name is Cristina Vals, and I am the secretary to Jack Conor, the owner of the telecommunications company. I would describe him as a cold, hard man. There are many things that torment him, preventing him from finding happiness or even being remotely social.**

It’s Monday, the start of the week, and a heavy day as usual. I find myself in my boss’s office, alongside the vice president and Jack’s best friend, Daniel.

"Daniel, I need you to sign these documents. They’re very important—contracts with prestigious companies," Jack said, seated behind his desk.

"Perfect. I’ll have them ready for you by the afternoon," Daniel replied, taking the papers in his hands.

"Cristina, we have a meeting in half an hour," Jack added, without lifting his gaze.

"Jack, before I go, I think I’ve found the perfect woman to be your wife. You’ll be impressed. Shall I bring her here today?" Daniel asked with seriousness.

"Yes, bring her in at four this afternoon. I’d like to meet her, learn who she is, and above all, explain what kind of marriage this will be," Jack expressed, his tone measured yet filled with concern.

"Very well! She’ll be here by then," Daniel replied, departing soon after.

Five minutes later, Jack and I left for the scheduled business meeting.

"Good morning," we both said upon arriving at the table, where the clients were already waiting.

"Mr. Conor, it’s a pleasure to hear from you," the client said as he shook hands with Jack.

"The pleasure is mine, Mr. Smith," Jack replied as we took our seats.

"You have a beautiful secretary. I enjoy meetings just to see those pretty brown eyes," the client said, making me feel distinctly uncomfortable with his words.

"With all due respect, sir, I think it would be best if we began the meeting, as that’s the reason we’re here," I responded nervously, aware that he was an important client but feeling cornered by his remarks.

"Don’t you think your response is out of line? I’m a very important client to Mr. Conor’s company, and you’re just a secretary with airs of grandeur," the client shot back angrily.

"With all due respect, sir, I can’t allow you to speak to me that way. I’ve never given any reason for such behavior, and I ask that we maintain a strictly professional relationship," I responded firmly.

"Mr. Conor, are you going to allow your secretary to speak to me like this?" the client asked, turning to Jack.

"With all respect, we must treat women with dignity. If my secretary feels uncomfortable with your comments, then let’s keep our discussion strictly professional," Jack replied, his tone patient yet authoritative.

"I can’t believe you’re siding with this insolent woman. I’m leaving. Send all future communications to my office, and make sure it’s strictly business," the client said as he stood up and stormed out without waiting for a reply.

I was left stunned. I hadn’t expected this to happen and felt terribly embarrassed before my boss.

"I’m sorry, sir. It wasn’t my intention for this to happen. It’s just that the client said things that made me feel uncomfortable," I said in a voice barely above a whisper.

"Miss Vals, let’s return to the office," Jack responded curtly. It was clear that he was upset, and my heart began to race, beating faster than normal.

We returned to the office in silence. Jack didn’t say a word, but his body language spoke volumes.

For the rest of the day, Jack didn’t call on me for anything. I knew he was troubled by what had happened, but as a man of few words, he preferred to stay quiet.

As I sat at my desk, consumed by thoughts of how to fix the situation, the phone rang. It was Jack, asking me to come to his office.

"Yes, sir?" I asked as soon as I stepped inside.

"I need you to draft this," Jack said, passing me a notepad without looking up.

As I took the notepad, the only thought running through my mind was that this was the end of my job. I had wanted this position so badly, just as I desperately wanted to keep seeing him every day, no matter how cruel others might find him. I could bear it.

"Is this my resignation letter, sir?" I asked nervously.

"Why would you think that?" Jack replied, still not lifting his gaze.

"Because of what happened this morning with your client."

"The only thing you’ll be drafting are contracts that I’ll need by tomorrow," Jack responded, slowly raising his eyes to meet mine.

"Forgive me, sir, I was completely mistaken," I sighed in relief.

As I was about to leave, Daniel walked in—but he wasn’t alone. With him was the woman who would be Jack’s future wife.

"Jack, let me introduce you to Anne Miller. She will be your future wife," Daniel announced.

"Pleasure to meet you, Jack. I’ve followed your career closely, and I’m excited to be part of your personal life now," Anne said with a bright smile, unaware of the words that were about to shatter it.

"First of all, it's Mr. Conor to you. You have no right to address me so casually. Secondly, you are aware that you’ll need to give me a child and that this marriage will be loveless," Jack stated, his eyes boring into hers.

"Why would it be like that?" Anne challenged.

"It seems you are not the woman I need. Daniel, please take her out of here," Jack instructed without hesitation.

"You are an insolent man. Now I understand why everyone says you’re cruel, a monster. You’ve never known true happiness, and it shows in everything you wear," Anne retorted before storming out in anger.

After she left, Jack placed his hand on his forehead. It was clear he was worried and stressed.

"You weren’t very kind to that young woman. She was the last option I had on the list, and you need to marry within two days. What are you going to do?" Daniel asked, his concern evident.

"I don’t know. Let me think," Jack replied.

Suddenly, I understood what was happening. It was time for me to act.

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