The proposal.

I stood in front of my boss, feeling the urge to tell him that I was the woman he needed, but nerves got the better of me.

“What are you going to do, Jack?” Daniel asked, worry evident in his voice.

Jack didn’t respond immediately. Instead, he stood and began pacing the room.

“I don’t know!” he exclaimed. “But I have to get married by the day after tomorrow. My father’s death left that written in his will, and my mother and I have fought endlessly for this telecommunications company.” His voice was heavy with frustration.

“I understand, my friend. We just have to make sure it’s worth it,” Daniel replied, sitting down, his face reflecting his own concerns.

I had overheard enough. Summoning all my courage, I stepped forward, took a deep breath, and spoke.

“Mr. Conor, I might be able to help,” I said, my voice soft as I avoided meeting his gaze.

“What do you mean? Do you know someone who could help?” Jack asked, intrigued.

“I could be your wife, sir. I have everything you’re looking for to pretend to be one,” I whispered, barely able to believe the words coming out of my mouth. My heart raced with both fear and embarrassment.

“You?” Jack’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Yes, sir,” I confirmed, keeping my words brief and my tone steady.

“Cristina, everything comes at a price. Tell me, what’s yours?” Jack asked, his shrewdness surfacing as his sharp gaze assessed me.

“I admit I’ll help you, but... I have one condition,” I said, turning away from him to gather my thoughts.

“What condition are we talking about?” Jack's tone shifted, laced with suspicion.

“I need money, sir,” I finally admitted, my voice almost a whisper.

“I thought you were different,” Jack replied, his voice cold with disappointment. “You’re willing to sell yourself and bind yourself to me in a marriage of convenience. I have to say, Cristina, I’m turning down your offer. Please leave me alone with Daniel.” His eyes bore into me, making it clear that his trust in me had evaporated.

I left Jack’s office feeling utterly humiliated. Now he thought the worst of me, but he didn’t know the truth. My mother was terminally ill, and the mounting medical bills were suffocating me. I was desperate, doing everything I could to extend her life. On top of that, we were on the verge of losing our home—my father’s life’s work. I was willing to do anything to keep us afloat.

Back in Jack’s office, Daniel spoke up. “Why did you reject her? Can’t you see we have no other option?”

“She’s not the woman for me,” Jack said firmly, though his words were edged with bitterness. “She’s only in it for the money. I thought she was different, Daniel. I thought she was the only woman who wasn’t like the rest. How wrong I was.”

“Jack, you’re not marrying for love. That shouldn’t even matter. We all have a price to pay, and yours is for being the son of a tough man. Instead of making your life easier, your father made it harder,” Daniel replied wisely, shaking his head.

“Find me someone else, please. Just... not my secretary,” Jack insisted, his determination hardening.

By the time evening came, I was drained, not just physically but emotionally. I couldn’t stop thinking about what had transpired with Jack. As I stood waiting for a taxi, a sleek black car pulled up in front of me. I instantly knew who it belonged to.

Jack’s driver got out of the car and approached me politely. “Miss, Mr. Conor would like to speak with you.”

Without hesitation, I got into the car, curiosity gnawing at me.

“Good evening, sir,” I said as I entered, glancing at Jack, who was staring out the window.

“Good evening, Cristina,” Jack replied, his tone distant.

“What do you need from me, sir?” I asked, my voice barely concealing my nerves.

“You’ll need to sign a contract. All the terms will be in writing, and you’ll be required to follow every detail,” Jack said without turning to face me.

“I don’t understand what you mean, sir,” I said, confused.

“You’ll have to follow the rules,” he began, still avoiding my gaze. “You are not to fall in love with me, and you are not to speak of love unless we are in front of others. You will remain my secretary; nothing will change. I’ll pay you a generous sum twice a month. I won’t interfere in your life, and you won’t interfere in mine. Most importantly, I don’t want any scenes of jealousy—whatever you see or hear, you will remain calm. There will be no children, and the marriage will last only two years.” Jack’s voice was emotionless, as if he had rehearsed this speech countless times.

“So, what you’re saying is… you’ve decided to marry me,” I replied, my surprise palpable.

“That’s correct. I have no other option. I’ll give you what you need, and in return, you’ll help me. You’ll move into my mansion and live with my mother. We’ll sleep in separate rooms,” Jack confirmed, his tone flat.

“I understand, sir. I won’t break any of the rules. You can count on that,” I said, still in disbelief.

“Good. The wedding will be civil. What we have will only exist on paper. Don’t forget that,” Jack concluded. “I’ll take you home.”

About twenty-five minutes later, I stepped out of Jack’s car without saying goodbye. As I walked a few steps towards my house, someone suddenly scooped me up in their arms.

I gasped, startled, but when I saw who it was, my fear vanished.

“Luka, it’s you!” I exclaimed, a smile spreading across my face.

“Yes, it’s me! And I’m back for good,” Luka said with excitement, holding me tightly.

“I’m so happy to see you, Luka. Let’s go inside,” I said, embracing him as we entered my home.

Inside, I made coffee for us, still smiling from ear to ear.

Luka had been my first love back in high school, but when it was time for university, his parents moved abroad. We tried long-distance, but eventually, we ended it to avoid hurting each other.

“How have you been?” I asked, handing him a cup of coffee.

“I’ve been great! I graduated a few months ago, finally fulfilling my dream of becoming a doctor. I got a job offer at a hospital here. They said, ‘New York needs you,’” Luka said with his characteristic grin.

“I’m so proud of you. I always knew you’d make it,” I said, genuinely happy for him.

“Enough about me. Tell me everything about you,” Luka said, leaning in with interest.

“I’m working for the biggest telecommunications company in the country.”

“That’s amazing! You sound like you really love your job.”

“I do. I enjoy it a lot, especially working with technology.”

“That’s wonderful! And your mother—how is she?” Luka asked, his expression softening.

“She’s in the hospital, staying there most of the time. I’ve done everything humanly possible to keep her alive,” I replied, my voice tinged with sorrow.

“She’s strong. She’ll get through this. And now, I’m here for you. I’ll support you in any way you need,” Luka said, his sincerity shining through.

“I really appreciate that, Luka. But there’s something you should know.”

“What is it? Tell me,” Luka urged.

“I’m getting married the day after tomorrow,” I said, letting out a deep sigh.

Luka blinked in surprise. “That’s unexpected. Who’s the lucky guy?”

“It’s my boss. I’m marrying him,” I said quietly.

“That’s… surprising. Well, I’m glad you found love,” Luka replied, though his smile didn’t quite reach his eyes.

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