My strict boss.

After lunch with Florencia, I returned to the office to tackle the many pending tasks awaiting me. I hadn’t been back for long when the phone at my desk rang. As I picked it up, I heard, "Come to my office." Without hesitating, I rushed to my boss’s door.

"What do you need, sir?" I asked as soon as I stepped in.

"I need you to review some documents. Also, we have a meeting tonight with some clients at a prestigious hotel downtown," Jack replied, not even glancing up from his work.

Jack was a cold man, distant, but I assumed he had his reasons. His temper was something I often had to endure, even when it seemed impossible to avoid clashes with him.

"What time tonight, sir?" I asked, my voice faltering.

"Eight sharp. I’ll pick you up. That’s all for now. Take these documents, revise them, and return them to me when you’re done."

"Understood, sir. If you’ll excuse me," I said, turning to leave.

"Before you go, I’d like to know... do you have a partner?" Jack asked, looking directly at me, sending a wave of nervousness through my body.

"No, sir. Why do you ask?" I responded, trying to sound composed.

"For no particular reason," Jack shrugged. "I just want to know what I’ll be dealing with starting tomorrow."

"You don’t need to worry, sir. I’m completely single."

"Who was the man carrying you in his arms last night?" Jack asked, his voice betraying a hint of something more.

"Oh, he’s just a good friend," I answered, my nerves growing.

"His behavior seemed like more than that of just a friend."

"Well, we had a relationship back in high school, but when we went to university, his parents moved abroad. We decided it was best to part ways before we hurt each other."

"You’ve given me more information than I needed, Cristina. You may leave," Jack said, his expression unreadable.

I left his office feeling somewhat shaken. Every time I stood in front of that man, I could barely keep myself together. I was falling deeply, hopelessly in love with Jack—my boss.

The afternoon flew by as I worked on revising the documents Jack had given me. Once they were ready, I walked straight to his office and entered without knocking—a mistake. There, on Jack’s lap, was a woman, and they were kissing.

"I’m sorry, sir. I’ll come back later," I stammered, stepping back immediately.

"Cristina, next time, knock. You could’ve walked in on something far worse than a few kisses," Jack said nonchalantly, removing the woman from his lap.

"You’re right, sir. I apologize. I’ll leave the documents on my desk. Have a good evening," I replied, deeply embarrassed as I hurried out.

After witnessing that scene, it became painfully clear that I could never be the woman Jack needed. I would never be the one at his side.

On my way home, I decided to stop by the hospital to visit my mother. I missed her terribly. She was all I had left in this world.

"Good evening, Mom," I whispered as I entered her room and kissed her forehead.

"How are you, my dear?" my mother asked weakly.

"I’m doing fine, Mom, working hard so you can get through all this," I smiled, hoping she could sense my optimism.

"You’ve always been so full of faith. When I leave this world, never forget the incredible worth you have. I hope life rewards you for all the good you’ve done," she replied softly.

"Life is already rewarding me, Mom. I have news... tomorrow, I’m marrying the love of my life," I said with a wide grin.

"You’re marrying your boss?" my mother asked, startled.

"Yes, Mom. I wish you weren’t in this bed, though it’s going to be a simple civil ceremony—no big celebration."

"I’m so happy for you, my dear. I just hope that man realizes what a remarkable woman he’s getting," my mother smiled warmly.

After spending time with her, I returned home to get ready for the evening. I took a long shower and dressed as professionally as I could for the important business meeting.

When I went downstairs, Luka was sitting on the couch, watching TV.

"I didn’t hear you come in. How are you?" I asked, smiling as I walked toward him.

"You look stunning! Once again, your beauty has left me speechless," Luka said, his eyes shining with admiration.

"Thanks, Luka. You say that because you love me," I replied, giving him a hug.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Knock, knock, knock.

Luka got up to open it.

"Good evening," Luka said, already guessing who it was.

"Good evening. Is Cristina here?" Jack’s voice came from the door.

I walked slowly toward them, and as Jack’s eyes fell on me, they widened slightly, surprised by how I was dressed.

"Here I am, sir. Luka, I’ll see you later," I said, bidding him goodbye.

Jack and I got into the car, and to my surprise, he was driving himself—a rare occurrence.

"You look very lovely tonight," Jack commented, catching me off guard.

"Thank you, sir. You’re not looking too bad yourself," I replied, hiding a small smile.

Forty-five minutes later, we arrived at the five-star hotel where the business dinner was set to take place.

As we entered, everything was perfectly arranged. The clients were already waiting for us.

"Good evening," Jack greeted them.

"It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Jack," one of the clients responded with a warm smile. He seemed to be about Jack’s age.

"Likewise. This is my secretary, Cristina," Jack introduced me with polite charm.

"Nice to meet you, Cristina. My name is Pablo," the man said, taking my hand and kissing it gently. "You are an incredibly beautiful woman."

Jack’s gaze shifted toward me, and it was clear that he wasn’t pleased with his new client’s boldness.

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