Capítulo 3


When we got home, I walked to the kitchen and started thinking about what I should prepare for dinner. Now that it was just me and Mom at home, I started learning to cook; that way I can make her dinner, instead of her having to cook all the time. Most of the things I did were very easy to do. I took the box of macaroni and cheese out of the cabinet and the rest of the ingredients out of the fridge, and started cooking dinner.

"Macaroni and cheese for dinner tonight, Mom, " I cried from the kitchen.

"Okay, honey. I'll go to bed and take a little nap. Wake me up when you're done." She responded with an exhausted and grateful tone.

"All right, Mom." That was the last thing I said before I started making dinner.

Half an hour later, when I finally finished preparing dinner; I turned off the stove and grabbed the freshly made bowls of macaroni and cheese. I put them on the dining room table, along with a cup of water next to each bowl, and I left the dining room to wake my mom from her nap. I knocked on my mother's bedroom door.

I walked my ear to the door, listening to any "Dinner is ready, Mom" movement.

I couldn't hear any noise coming from the other side of the door, so I opened my mother's door and walked in. She was lying on the bed, her head on the pillow and her hands underneath. I sat on his bed and shook his shoulder slightly. If she didn't want to eat, she'd just wrap her plate and put it in the fridge.

"Mom, dinner is ready, " I said in a soft tone.

He yawned and smiled "Thank you. I'll be right down."

It took him a while to come down later because he decided to shower before eating. After dinner, Mom rushed back after helping me with the dishes.

"Good night, honey, " said my mother as she kissed me on the cheek good night.

"Good night!" I responded as I started turning off all the lights below.

Then I went back up to my room to get some clothes; I left my backpack on the floor and the phone on the bedside table next to my bed. Then he went to the shower to take a welcome bath. I broke my neck when I got out of the shower, exhausted for a long day at school. The memory of Joe's house is still fresh in my mind. I dropped into my bed and turned off the light to go to sleep.

Just as I was about to close my eyes, I heard the beep on my phone, notifying me that I received a notification. I opened my eyes, extended my hand from the bed to the bedside table and grabbed my phone. I opened it and saw it was a text message. I didn't recognize the number and the message was suspicious.

(246) 958-3013: Chasity?

I raised an eyebrow, curious to know who it might be.

CHASITY: Who is this?

(246) 958-3013: Joe

My eyes opened and I quickly sat on the bed. I turned on the bedside table lamp and looked at my phone. I reread the text message that was just sent. I only know one 'Joe' and that's Joe Bandit. I've never given Joe Bandit my phone number, nor have I ever given everyone who's a friend of Joe Bandit's.

CASITY: Joe, who?

(246) 958-3013: Joe Bandit.

CHASITY: How do I really know he's Joe Bandit and not a creepy person trying to steal information from me or something?

(246) 958-3013: Let's say she's the girl who tried to steal Oreo muffins from my kitchen.

"It really is him, " I gasped aloud, then kept his number on my phone.

CASITY: I didn't steal those muffins.

JOE: If you say so. It's okay whether he did it or not. I'll ask the boss to do an extra for you the next time you come to the house. They're also my favorite snack.

Deciding to change the subject, I asked him something practical.

CHASITY: How did you get my phone number?

JOE: Does it really matter?


JOE: Let's just say finding him wasn't as easy as I thought it was going to be.

I raised an eyebrow to that answer, and then I answered quickly.

CHASITY: Would you mind explaining how you found it?

JOE: No.

CHASITY: Why are you texting me?

JOE: I have a question.

"A question?" I repeated the confused text.

CHASITY: What's the question?

JOE: I need help with something and I'm not sure how to handle it.

CHASITY: Out of curiosity, why don't you ask your friends for help?

JOE: No one else can help me.

I bowed my head in confusion. I very much doubt anyone can help you with whatever you need.

CHASITY: What do you need help with?

JOE: I'll tell you tomorrow. Can we talk in person tomorrow?

I mocked the fun and rolled my eyes, noticing the fact that he emphasized the word 'talk' with me in the text. I don't want to talk to him, because I know deep in my heart that I'll stutter. He is incredibly handsome and charming; I'll look like a fool. I meant no, but at the same time, I meant yes. I groaned and kicked my legs back and forth in my bed in frustration. I began to contemplate my answer; It must have taken me too long to respond because he texted me again.

JOE: ¿Por favor?

Dijo por favor Chasity, sería cruel decir que no, dijo una vocecita en mi cabeza.

Gemí y suspiré, luego le respondí un mensaje de texto.

CHASITY: Está bien.

JOE: ¡ Gracias, Chasity!

Es tan dulce, para darte las gracias, pensé para mí mismo con una pizca de sonrisa.

CHASITY: De nada.

Después de enviar el mensaje de texto, guardé mi teléfono y apoyé la cabeza en la almohada. Me tomó un tiempo conciliar el sueño porque estaba demasiado ocupado pensando en con qué iba a necesitar ayuda Joe. Estaba nervioso por verlo pero al mismo tiempo emocionado. Me puse nerviosa con otro problema de preocupación cuando pensé en ¿y si me iba a pedir que lo ayudara a ganarse a otra chica?

Eso me rompería el corazón.

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