126. Business trip

Ophelia waited and waited for her dismissal, but it never came.

She thought that maybe the CEO wasn't as mean and evil a person as she had labeled him, but she still didn't want to have any more encounters with him.

The man made her nervous, but most of all, he made her feel bad about herself, about how easily she had been seduced by a few words and intense looks.

Better to keep her distance.

The good thing was that, after the events of that day, he might not show up in the company again, and she might never see him again.

But that was what she had planned, not necessarily what would happen.

" Alpha, here are the financial summaries of the pack, and this envelope arrived from the new company you acquired," his Beta Alex told him, handing him some documents. Still, Elias went straight to the one he was most interested in.

" May I know what you are up to and why you are harassing your mate like a fool?" he asked, watching his Alpha's eyes sparkle as he read the message on the new compan
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