129. The most beautiful danger

Elijah did not want to give her time to react; he did not want to react.

He wanted to stop thinking about everything and being selfish to have what he wanted most.

He kissed her passionately again, and Ophelia could feel the hard desire of the man against her belly, who now also caressed her whole body with his hands.

"Damn lot of clothes!" he thought in despair.

But he knew it was for the best because she was going to a freezing place.

Only now did these clothes separate him from the creamy skin he wanted to touch, kiss, and bite.

"Use the claws to tear them apart; use them now, damn!" Cintra commanded frantically and excitedly in his head.

Having his submissive little female under his body, with that intense rutting scent, made him want to take her and mark her right then and there, give her what she was asking for.

They barely controlled themselves to not look like the animals they were.

Ophelia felt Elijah pull at her coat with clumsiness and desperation, almost losing the zipper.
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