When he saw the car coming, he stood firmly in the middle of the road, clearly saying, "So much for your harassment."

Estela was furious.

She was sure they were up to something, and if she had any doubts, when she got out of the car and saw Elijah's wrinkled clothes and the smell of pure lust assailing her, all her doubts were erased.

" Elijah, what the hell is this!" she screamed at him, walking toward him like a wife who had caught her husband cheating on her.

" That's supposed to be my line, Estela! Who the hell do you think you are, watching me and following me like a poisonous woman? I'm a free man, and I don't owe you an explanation for what I do with my life! "

" You know exactly how I feel about you! How dare you do this to me and with this woman, with this little dead fly who only blinded you because she's a hooker, she's a careerist whore who only wants to climb into your bed...?! "

" Shut up and bite your tongue before you insult Ophelia!" Elias roared with all his alpha do
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