133. The beginning of my nightmare

Ophelia's heart was beating erratically and uncontrollably.

She had listened to Elias and Estela's conversation, hidden behind some bushes.

Especially his cries, in which he declared that he loved her. Did he love her?

This man is outstanding, strong, and protective.

So sexy and desired by so many women, was he interested in her?

... No, no, interested, no, he loved her, love like a deep feeling.

And what did she feel for him?

It was evident that this Alpha unsettled her.

For yes, now she was sure that he was an Alpha after their intimate encounter.

It seemed strange to her that she had not recognized him from the beginning, considering how intimidating the presence of Alphas was for Omegas. Still, with him, everything was different and unbelievable.

She felt safe and protected in his arms, as if nothing could harm her.

Not knowing that this man was the one who could hurt her heart the most.

Ophelia put her hand to her chest in excitement. When she saw the conversation ending, she ste
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