112. The Heart of a Dragon

" Fuck off," Elizabeth struggled to say.

She knew that only a miracle could save her.

" Ah, you still have the strength to talk; we can fix that immediately."

Nagy pulled out all the crazy psychopathic stuff she also had and, with a dagger, pulled out her tongue, not caring about the woman's biting attempts, and cut it mercilessly.

" Thank you for shutting up, my dear, I couldn't stand to hear your voice anymore. Now, where we are going, yes, of course, desecrator, although I would prefer the title of dismemberer for myself."

" Shall I show you why?" Nagy asked her rhetorical question and then began the butchery of cutting off all of Elizabeth's limbs.

Any average person would have died long ago, bleeding to death or unable to endure such agony and pain, but Elizabeth was anything but ordinary.

" Since you like raping others so much and can't leave that disgusting part of your body unoccupied, let's please you so that you'll always feel satisfied."

Nagy picked up a thick fallen branch
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