117. Intruders

The whole pack was gathered and excited about this new ceremony that had never been done before.

They had all participated in the preparations, and they even thought it was so new that they were thinking of following the human tradition for the next couples in the herd.

"Lucian, you're getting on everyone's nerves; get a grip," Michael growled in annoyance, but more so because he hadn't seen or felt his mate for a while.

He was grumpier than Lucian.

Suddenly, the music began to play, announcing the bride and groom's entrance, and he stretched his back straighter than a plank, waiting for his dear companion.

The flock members sat on white chairs, facing a beautiful archway with flower arrangements that permeated the surrounding forest with all their perfume.

Many magical things in the surroundings made this natural wedding look like a scene from a fairy tale.

The first to appear at the beginning of the red carpet were three beautiful children, apparently about 2 years old.

Logically, t
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