" Well, you have the egg in your hand!" Lucian exclaimed with obvious joy after speaking with Michael.

" They are on their way, and we are making preparations to hide and protect it," he said to Olivia, who walked over to his office chair and sat on his strong legs.

" Lucian, what will you tell all these allies you are summoning?"

" Won't they find it suspicious that you want to join them now?" Olivia looked into his blue eyes, which she had loved since she first met him.

"Dear, we'll tell him the same thing we tell everyone."

" That a dragon egg has appeared in the world and fallen into the wrong hands, that we must be prepared to resist, that we must form an organization," he tenderly kissed the tip of her nose.

Every day, he is more and more in love with his wife.

" Are the puppies in danger?" Olivia needed to understand more about this fantastic world. Still, the most important thing for her was her family's safety.

" Everything we do is to keep them safe. If war breaks out, we ca
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