113. Successful Plan

Not only was there an angry werewolf behind him, but he also began to feel besieged by several of them scattered throughout the forest.

Max fled, running as fast as he could to escape the encirclement, not realizing that he was being led to a specific place.

When he reached the beach, where the confrontation was already over, with the Prince's side as the winner, he realized that he had appeared at the most inconvenient place.

" Get him!" roared Seraphin when he recognized him and even more when he saw the golden object in his hands.

Everyone rushed for it, and then Max used his hidden card.

The one he had stolen from Elizabeth and hadn't had a chance to use.

He activated his magic, and before a group of vampires could pounce on him, he disappeared from the scene.

" Damn it!," Seraphin was furious.

What on earth had Nagy and the others done?

They hadn't involved him much in their plans, telling him he would stop his father and separate him from Elizabeth.

They would protect the egg an
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