111. This wolf has a mate

She could always rely on magic and look like a weak human, but Elizabeth was anything but weak.

Besides, she never played fair; she was full of tricks and traps.

She dodged the frontal attacks, always trying to protect her back and not get caught in the middle of the combined attacks.

But no matter how skilled she was, fighting three against one was uneven, even more so when she had to fight so fast.

She began to accumulate wounds and use up her magical weapons.

But Elizabeth realized something, this was a battle of attrition.

In reality, these animals didn't seem to be able to land a killing blow on her.

It was logical to think so because, in real life, she couldn't withstand such an attack from a panther, a tiger, and a wolf.

The illusionist was just trying to scare her with a bluff so that she, the vampire, would be the one to kill her with a fatal blow when she was tired.

She didn't want to be fooled again, so she took the test, leaving her defenses a little open. When the panthe
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