110. Slave illusion


Suddenly, there was an explosion in the middle of the forest, scaring away all the animals. A column of fire rose up, burning the wood of what had once been the old cabin.

Elizabeth crawled along the ground, a safe distance from the fire, and leaned against a tree, breathing heavily.

She immediately pulled out a hidden vial of solid blood and drank it, healing her worst wounds instantly.

She watched as the fire consumed everything in its path, including the body of her servant, who had not given her time to escape and was trapped in the kitchen.

She barely managed to jump through the wooden door and escape into the forest.

Thanks to all the defensive spells she had with her, she could get out alive.

She had been tricked by nothing more and nothing less than a human trap.

She, who despised the creature she once was so much, was only looking for traces of magic and spells, forgetting that there was something as simple as wired explosives.

It was as if the very beings she had un
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