109. The trap

The mouse tried to escape before he was discovered, but it was too late.

" Cof, cof," the wizard coughed, blood coming out of his mouth.

" Will you shut up? We will be discovered by your cough. What the hell happened?"" Elizabeth spoke between her teeth and looked at the hut with attention, for apparently, they had been discovered.

" That lady discovered my trace of magic and attacked him, he confessed pale as he remembered how a snake had run up to his mouse and devoured it on the spot.

Both were magical energies, but this lady was not as harmless as she seemed.

" They're getting away! " another witch shouted as she saw two shadows run out the back door of the hut and into the woods.

" Max, the egg?" She didn't care about the women, just where was the little dragon he needed.

" They've got it. The lady put it in a bag she was carrying. That was the last thing I saw!" the spy wizard informed her.

" Max, damn! Are we going to follow them or what?" Elizabeth shouted at the man standing
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