108. Confrontation

" It's over there," Max said to Elizabeth, looking off into the distance at the silhouette of an island in the middle of the sea.

“Are you sure?” she asked looking at the twilight horizon.

She didn't like this happening at night because spotting a trap in the dark was trickier, but they couldn't wait until dawn.

The Prince was ahead of them, and little by little, they saw a few boats stranded on the shore.

" I am sure that now, more than ever, I feel his call and power, " he confessed.

" Everyone get ready," she ordered, "Your Majesty! This is the place, and as you can see, your son has already arrived, so he must have a little surprise for us," Elizabeth approached the monarch.

" I hope you has come with the best of the best because it is evident that we cannot take the booty without a fight."

" It seems so. I will care for my son, and you will find the egg. Then we'll see what happens," he looked at her sharply.

He was not such a fool as to be unaware of the woman's plans.

She was u
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