107. Your blood is the key

Instead of staying to defend her husband, as soon as she saw things going wrong, she fled with important information that would ensure her continued membership in the clan.

Nagy smiled wryly. She didn't know which was worse.

But what would be left for the others if they didn't have each other's backs?

Anyway, she had ended their love-hate relationship.

She understood that the biggest ghost in her heart was her guilt, the thought that she had disappointed her parents and dishonored her clan because of her illness.

She sometimes thought that she deserved everything that had happened to her.

But now she blamed the guilty.

She was not a waste and wanted to be loved and appreciated.

The biggest mistake was not being born with a defect but having cold and selfish parents who did not deserve her as a daughter.

"Come, the Prince is waiting for us at the dock with the warriors and this waste of a mother, he will warn the king and give him the map," Michael approached her from behind and spoke
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