Someone knocks on my door, who can it be at this hour? Well, better to take care with caution, after all, here death is prowling the houses and staggering through the streets after anyone who can swallow. There is a knock at the door, who will it be? — Yeah, good night — Good night, neighbor, I was told to deliver this. — Right, thanks. It’s the Blond devil, a kid here on the street. They call him that around here, due to the sunburned hair. Praga has dark skin and yellow hair. Where have you seen that, a blond black man? It can only be called a devil. He brought me an envelope, it seems to have a card inside, better to open it — But what the hell is this, an invitation? — Now this one, since when did you invite me to something here? Let me see, it says here that I'm being invited to a fifteen year old party. And it will be tomorrow at Dona Vera's residence. But what a great slut this is, why the
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