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Recém-Divorciado: Desinvestimento Bilionário Abala!
Recém-Divorciado: Desinvestimento Bilionário Abala!
- Nicolas Barros, saia desta casa! Vive à minha custa por cinco anos, não ganha um centavo, até pede mesada, não tem qualificação para ser meu marido! - Disse a esposa, com raiva.- Aqui tem dez bilhões na conta, gaste como quiser. - Disse Nicolas.- Dez bilhões! De onde você tirou tanto dinheiro? - Perguntou a esposa.- Foi com a mesada que você me deu, investi em ações e ganhei. - Respondeu Nicolas.- Você é mesmo o lendário deus das ações! - Exclamou a esposa.
1021.1K leídosCompleted
A Secret in the Dark
A Secret in the Dark
Helena é filha do falecido Barão de Winterfelt, conhecida como "A viúva amaldiçoada" pelo simples fato de que todos seus noivos faleceram ou desistiram antes mesmo de a levar ao altar. O desgosto de sua madrasta era gigantesco, pois com sua nomenclatura, a jovem acabara por afastar tantos seus cortejos quanto o de suas irmãs. Com a crescente onda de assassinatos na cidade o baile da temporada estava quase sendo adiado se não fosse pela nobreza vinda de tão longe para os cortejos semestrais, Helena estava aflita já que o fato de não poder enxergar, ser cega, dificultava suas tentativas de casamento. Mas tudo muda, quando um estranho a encontra na catedral, tocando piano e a oferece a cura para sua cegueira em troca de que ela se resguardasse em casa para evitar o assassino que se resvalava pelos corpos frios e sem vida deixados nos becos de Winterfelt
1.2K leídosOngoing
Mi Destino
Mi Destino
Emilia Hale sabe dos cosas:la primera, un dia ella llegó a su habitación de niña y se encontro con un extraño en su , ni siquiera él mismo sabia quien era, ni de donde venia. La segunda, (aunque no sabe porqué solo ella puede verlo y por qué ese chico ha crecido con ella) ella no esta lista para despedirse de su mejor amigo.
106.0K leídosCompleted
Getting into the heart of the CEO
Getting into the heart of the CEO
Lindsey, since childhood, suffered abuse from her family. She fell into a trap orchestrated by her sister Courtney and was taken to a room to be photographed with two men.At a fashion event, Kyle Pratt spotted his girlfriend with another man. Rage consumed him, and he began drinking heavily. Dizzy from the drinks, he was taken to the room reserved for him in the same venue. On the way, he crossed paths with Courtney, and the room key cards fell to the ground. Nervously, she grabbed the wrong one.Kyle and Lindsey were found in the same room due to the Pratt surname, leading to a loveless marriage.Later, Courtney handed Kyle photos of his wife with other men in bed. Enraged, he confronted her to the point of nearly assaulting her. He decided to investigate his wife's life himself and discovered that she was nothing like he imagined. From there, they learned to coexist, and love blossomed between them.When the marriage deadline arrived, Kyle found himself in a trap and deceived his wife. Heartbroken, she granted him a divorce and left the country.Five years later, Lindsey returned to avenge her mother's death and reclaim her company.In the boardroom of the textile company Rose S.A., Kyle saw a confident and elegant woman walk in. From that moment, he is determined to win back his wife, but three mischievous little ones won't make it easy for him.
460 leídosCompleted
Married to the father of my child
Married to the father of my child
Myriam Bennett thought she had it all: A perfect husband, a stable marriage, they only needed one child, she wanted that baby to be happy with her husband, and he only wanted that child so as not to lose his position as director of the corporation. The pressure was very great for her, who repeatedly underwent fertilization treatments, without success, until her husband demanded a baby, even if she had to sleep with another man.Gerald Lennox is a cold man, who spends a large part of his life just working, he doesn't have a girlfriend, nor is he interested in having one, because the woman he loved rejected him, his best friend insists on finding him a partner and one night in a bar, after losing a bet, he must sleep with a woman he doesn't know, and that his friend chose.Myriam and Gerald's destinies will come together in a way they can't imagine, even though neither of them can stand each other.Work registered in Safe Creative: 2208091753609©Angellyna Merida, 2022.The distribution, copy, or adaptation of this work without the permission of the author is prohibited.
101.5K leídosOngoing
A successful businessman raised by his nanny, with very high values ​​and respect for his peers, has a knack for business that has made him a multimillionaire at such a young age, but advice from his nanny and an accident from his personal assistant, makes him look for a new helper without imagining that love began to hover nearby, your worst enemy will want to hurt you and where it will cruelly damage you, in your heart, taking away your true love. Will you fight for it? Will you let happiness be taken out of your hands? Read this wonderful novel, where you will laugh, you will cry and you will be on edge
531 leídosCompleted
Ella, humana. El, odia a los humanos. Ella, una chica común y corriente. El, el el rey Alpha de los hombres lobos. Baltazar y Micaela chocan entres sus mundos, volviendo patas arriba uno del otro.
9.911.7K leídosOngoing
The Narcissist Boss
The Narcissist Boss
Aryanna Viscardi, hired as a maid by the narcissistic Silvain de Castelbajac, falls into his trap by signing a contract. Now, she finds herself trapped in an obsessive relationship with the possessive and seductive CEO. Will she be able to break free from the contract's bonds and escape his control before it's too late?
347 leídosCompleted
Mafia Kings: Ronan
Mafia Kings: Ronan
Everleigh is a former police officer who was kidnapped by human traffickers while she was investigating them. Ronan Callaghan is the head of the Irish Mafia in his city. He and his brothers were responsible for rescuing Everleigh from being sold to the highest bidder. She soon discovers that her dead mother is not so dead afterall and discovers that she is not only a Mafia princess in her own right, but she has twin brothers to boot.
8.811.7K leídosOngoing
Lycanes y la eterna luna de sangre
Lycanes y la eterna luna de sangre
Jade era la única Lycan de una manada nómada del sur de Europa en 1800, era rechazada por ser una Lycan, su abuelo era el alfa ade la familia y decidió venderla para ser rico y quitarse el problema que le generaba tenerla cerca. Jade logro escapar de él barco que la llevaba a un lugar desconocido. En su huida llega a la ciudad de los topos. Allí conoce a Jhon un médico que hace poco perdió a su esposa. El la ayuda a curar las heridas que se hizo corriendo por el bosque. Sin embargo se enamora de ella y casi un año después se casan. Sin embargo una luna de sangre cubre el cielo nocturno de europa por varios meses. Ocurren ataques a humanos y empiezan a echarle la culpa a los lobos de esto. Sin embargo los responsables de esto son los Lycanes que se descontrolan de la Luna de sangre. Sin embargo se ordena una reunión con todos los lobos del continente para tratar de frenar la ola de ataques sin embargo, Jade se tendra que reunir con la familia que tanto daño le hizo y volver a vivir sus traumas por esta situación ¿los perdonara?
10.0K leídosOngoing