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Bajo la Sombra de Otra

Bajo la Sombra de Otra

Ella perdió la memoria tras sufrir un accidente. Su corazón buscando sosiego y respuestas, cayó perdidamente enamorado de quien le salvó la vida, César Balan. Más, sin embargo, él esperaba a alguien más por lo que la relevó siempre a la sombra de alguien que no llegaba y durante tres años que parecieron eternos, ella hizo todo lo posible por ganarse el corazón de ese gran hombre, esperando que él fuese recíproco con sus sentimientos. Pero un día el muy mentiroso del César le dio contentillo y le propuso un disque “matrimonio”, quería mantenerla atada a él, pero jugando un juego de dos caras, porque después se fue con su “verdadero amor” dejándola sola en una calle en un país extranjero. Lorena Balan, nombre dado por él, decidió entonces no ser más la sombra de nadie. Rompió cualquier atadura a él, y con mucho coraje dejó al hombre infiel junto su telaraña de mentiras y engaños. Sin embargo, ocultándole también la vida que ya se había comenzado a gestar en su vientre. Cuando César supo de la supuesta muerte de Lorena, cayó en depresión y desconsuelo. Pero por azares de la vida, el destino aún no le había cobrado lo suficiente al hombre infiel, ya que cinco años después, se toparon de nuevo. Ella era ahora una reconocida pintora de arte moderna y diseñadora de joyería. Y él, muy caballa al darse cuenta de lo mucho que había perdido, comenzó a acosarla día y noche. —Mi amor, me equivoqué en ese entonces, me arrepiento con todo mi ser... —Amor ¿puedes darme un segundo chance en vez de dárselo a un completo desconocido? —Amorcito, seré tu modelo. Ándale y nos dibujamos ¿sí? —Mi vida... Mi Lorena... Pero ella Lorena le respondió con rabia: —¡Ya deja la payasada! ¡¿Quién es esa a quien dices mi amor y mi vida?! César, pegado tal cual chicle a ella, no la soltó y, haciendo gala de su descaro, respondió: —Años atrás tú aceptaste mi propuesta de matrimonio, así que técnicamente aún deberías estar a mi lado. —No me importa y no escucharé un no como respuesta.
8.630.8K leiturasOngoing
Os dois lados do amor

Os dois lados do amor

Illana Mascarenhas
Apesar do conflito que sempre existiu entre as famílias Torres e Sampaio, Joana Torres, para salvar as empresas de sua família, para a surpresa de todos, fez uma parceria com Patricio Sampaio. Surpresa ainda maior para todos foi quando Joana começou a se envolver com Théo, o mais jovem dos Sampaio.Por conta do que tinha acontecido em seu passado, Joana já não acreditava em sua habilidade para o amor - por isso, ela pensava que aquela história não iria muito longe - mas, a verdade é que Théo conseguiu romper algumas das barreiras que Joana tinha criado para se proteger.No entanto, a vida do casal vira de cabeça para baixo quando Edgar Vilela, um famoso artista plástico, retorna ao Brasil, trazendo, também, segredos que Joana sempre escondeu, e as feridas que ela acreditava já estarem curadas, voltam a se abrir.Diante de uma situação que nunca pensou viver, Joana descobre que o amor se manifesta de diversas maneiras; ela só tem que decidir qual delas é a forma de amar que ela sempre quis viver.
2.9K leiturasOngoing
Alpha DANNA, queen of wolves without humanity

Alpha DANNA, queen of wolves without humanity

On the day of the proclamation to be Eros, the great alpha of alphas from the lowlands of the southern tip of Alaska, a delicious smell came to him and seeped through his nostrils, getting out of control. He searched for the source until he saw Danna; their eyes met and Eros was furious at the sight of her omega-like appearance. Seeing the look in his eyes, she knew that her life was going to be miserable from that moment on. Danna was taken to the alpha's mansion, and Eros didn't know what to do with his mate, for the good of the pack, he had to have a pure-blooded alpha moon by his side and not a weak omega. She became jealous and he succumbed to temptation; three days passed full of passion and Eros marked her. One day, Danna was accused of hurting Lamia; Eros, enraged, decided to obey the old wolves; That same night he marked Lamia. Danna suffered a severe pain in her mark, she felt like it was burning her, the pain was unbearable. There she discovered that she was betrayed by her mate. Hurt, she tried to leave, but he locked her up and pretended to have her as a lover. In the midst of her grief, she discovered that she was pregnant and that inside the mansion she had enemies. One night she managed to escape, but the sniffer wolves pursued her tirelessly. However, with the help of the goddess Selene, unhuman wolves found her and protected her, taking her to the coldest region of the country. Five years later, Danna returned to exact revenge on the people who made her life miserable in the blue pack, while her daughter Eos had a mission entrusted to her by the goddess Selene.
1.1K leiturasOngoing
Pasé de ser la amante a ser la esposa

Pasé de ser la amante a ser la esposa

Malgaste un precioso año de mi vida al lado de Tiago Rivera. Cuando salía y se emborrachaba, yo lo cuidaba en la resaca. Cuando recibía sus amiguitos, yo sonreía y los atendía. Me desvivía por él, haciendo todo lo que me pedía sin cuestionarlo. Estaba a su disposición en todo momento, viniera cuando viniera y se fuera cuando se fuera. Pero lamentablemente, a pesar de tanto esfuerzo, terminó abandonándome. Mas esto no me abatió, derrotada pero no vencida, resurgí entonces decidida a salir adelante. Fue entonces cuando Tiago me preguntó: —¿Me darías de nuevo un chance de estar juntos? Pero esta vez de manera oficial.
História Curta · Romance
1.6K leiturasCompleted
The Red Skull

The Red Skull

The sad and unhappy childhood, made under extreme poverty, the abandonment of the father, the sudden death of the mother and due to the criticisms made by schoolmates for being an orphan boy and lacking in affection made him grow up and even in his adolescence to make wrong friendships, following tortuous paths until he became the biggest criminal in the state where he was born. Similarly, years spent in prison, inside that filthy and cold cell made him rethink his values, profoundly changing his way of looking at life. When he left there, he decided to completely change his reality and started to dream about the possibility of finding someone special who could live by his side and help him to know the happiness he never had the chance to experience before.
1.2K leiturasCompleted
My Husband Doesn't Love Me

My Husband Doesn't Love Me

"The first time I saw those blue eyes, desire overtook me, but I never imagined that would be the beginning of my slavery." Jimena and Pablo met during a summer vacation, and the spark of love ignited. They began a passionate relationship. An unexpected pregnancy turned their lives upside down, forcing them to marry under the pressure of their families, who shared the same business interests. More than a year later, their relationship has been reduced to the responsibilities of parenthood and social appearances, as passion and affection have faded, leaving behind regret, hurtful words, and indifference. Jimena wants to win back the passionate and fun man her husband used to be, but there’s a problem: a sensual assistant is determined to conquer Pablo, who finds himself drawn to his new employee. Can Jimena rekindle her husband's love? Or… is it already too late for them?
131 leiturasOngoing


Love or Stockholm Syndrome? What do you do when you find yourself longing for someone completely inappropriate? Libia Musso, a hopeless romantic, has always dreamed of the family she never had. Hoping one day to find her perfect man, her prince charming, she struggles with the irresistible attraction she feels for men who are bad for her. One day, she travels to Brazil to close a deal with Tiodor Lison, a CEO with a fierce temper—a cruel, cynical, and manipulative man who despises incompetence. He is an utterly unpleasant person whose sole goal is to take revenge on Elena Musso. Libia knows that Lison is not a good man; he isn't the hero who will save her. Instead, he is the villain with a twisted and sadistic mind who has trapped her. An irrational attraction and a settling of scores. Can beasts truly fall in love, or is it just a myth?
51 leiturasOngoing
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