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Amor. Eu sou apaixonada pelo maior traficante de todos os tempos. Um cretino que só me fez sofrer. Eu realmente achei que iria esquece-lo? Como puder ser boba! Amar Liam Frey é a coisa mais difícil de fazer.
9.37.7K leídosCompleted
Os olhos dele abriram
Os olhos dele abriram
Avery Tate foi forçada a se casar com um figurão por sua madrasta, graças à falência de seu pai. Mas tinha um detalhe, esse figurão — Elliot Foster — estava em coma. Aos olhos do público, era apenas uma questão de tempo até que ela fosse considerada viúva e expulsa da família.Mas tudo mudou quando Elliot inesperadamente acordou de seu coma.Furioso com a situação de seu casamento, ele soltou sua raiva em Avery e ameaçou matar seus bebês se eles tivessem algum. "Eu vou matar eles com minhas próprias mãos!" ele gritou.Quatro anos se passaram quando Avery mais uma vez voltou para sua terra natal com seus gêmeos - um menino e uma menina.Ao apontar para o rosto de Elliot na tela da TV, ela lembrou aos bebês: “Fiquem longe desse homem, ele jurou que ia matar vocês dois”. Naquela noite, o computador de Elliot foi hackeado e ele foi desafiado - por um dos gêmeos - a cumprir sua promessa. “Vem me pegar, seu cuzão!”
9.29.1M leídosCompleted
An Understated Dominance
An Understated Dominance
Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. After Dahlia’s meteoric rise to success, she abandons the useless dead weight that’s Dustin, proposing divorce. Unbeknownst to her, everything she had ever achieved was only because of him.
9.58.5M leídosOngoing
Ang Asawa kong Tinitingala ng Lahat
Ang Asawa kong Tinitingala ng Lahat
Biyenan:“Layuan mo na ang anak ko! Hindi siya karapat dapat para sa isang basurang katulad mo!”Makalipas ang tatlong araw, bumalik ang manugang nito sakay ng isang mamahaling sasakyan.Biyenan:“Parang awa mo na iho, huwag mong iwan ang anak ko.”
9.59.1M leídosCompleted
La vida de Camil cambió drásticamente cuando supo que estaba embarazada. Ya su carrera de modelo no podía seguir… Los años han pasado y ella solo tiene un deseo: que «él» nunca se entere que ella tiene un tesoro. Ya no sueña con ser millonaria, ni ser la novia de un CEO de la minería, o de un jeque en Arabia. Ya eso lo intentó y de esa historia solo consiguió una cosa… a su hija. Emira tiene seis años, y está en una edad difícil donde empieza a hacerse preguntas sobre su origen. Camil no piensa hablar una sola palabra sobre el tema. Todo cambia cuando el “Jeque” llega accidentado al hospital donde Camil trabaja. El encuentro resulta devastador… Ella lo creía superado y él nunca la buscó, o eso cree Camil. Farid, que así se llama el «susodicho» no se conforma con solo verla y la curiosidad de saber que ha sido de la vida de la ex modelo que le flechó el corazón años atrás, pues lo lleva a tropezarse con el “tesoro de pelo negro”.
10401.1K leídosCompleted
Even After Death
Even After Death
Olivia Fordham was married to Ethan Miller for three years, but that time could not compare with the ten years he spent loving his first love, Marina Carlton. On the day that she gets diagnosed with stomach cancer, Ethan happens to be accompanying Marina to her children's health check-up. She doesn't make any kind of fuss, only leaving quietly with the divorce agreement. However, this attracts an even more fervent retribution. It seems Ethan only ever married Olivia to take revenge for what happened to his little sister. While Olivia is plagued by her sickness, he holds her chin and says coldly, "This is what your family owes me." Now, she has no family and no future. Her father becomes comatose after a car accident, leaving her with nothing to live for. Thus, she hurls herself from a building. "The life my family owes will now be repaid." At this, Ethan, who's usually calm, panics while begging for Olivia to come back as if he's in a state of frenzy …
96.0M leídosCompleted
The Secretly Rich Man
The Secretly Rich Man
That day, my parents and sister who were all working abroad suddenly told me that I was a second-generation rich with trillions of dollars in wealth!Gerald Crawford: I am a second-generation rich?
8.97.1M leídosCompleted
Love after Divorce
Love after Divorce
My parents forced me to marry Him for their business. I never wanted to do it.Three years later, I can finally be free! The time has come for me to seek my happiness, do what I always wanted, and not think about my parents or have them hovering over me.Once I manage to sign the divorce papers, I will leave this country and never return...My name is Mason, and I'm currently 34 years old. Three years ago, I got married because my parents forced me to. I have always loved the same woman, the one who isn't and never was my wife.Today, I am finally free, and I can be happy with the love of my life. I have everything planned; everything is going to be perfect... Or so I thought.What happens when you realize you no longer love the person you thought was the love of your life? Is it possible to get back with an ex-partner? Is it possible to start having feelings for my ex-wife?
7.512.4K leídosCompleted
Sophi is a college girl, art student, belonging to a middle class family, who protects her excessively. A little shy and with little self-confidence, with a small group of friends. Her world is shaken when she goes on a date with her friends and at the last minute they cancel, she finds herself alone in a restaurant eating with a bottle of wine on her table, when the man who will turn her world upside down appears, a thirty year old Italian, millionaire businessman, used to always getting his own way, hard-hearted and distrustful of women due to his past experiences. Both are attracted to each other and give free rein to their passion, until the past knocks at the door ruining Sophia's illusions, however, not everything is what it seems and wounded creates a big lie that will turn against her and awaken in Sebastini a cruel, selfish, vindictive and distrustful man, who will seek a way to destroy her and his own without mercy. Can there be hope for love to triumph in this story? Registered in Safecreative under number 2008104985351. All rights reserved. The total or partial reproduction of this work by any means or its adaptation without the express authorization of the author is prohibited.
1010.2K leídosCompleted
Biarkan Aku Pergi!
Biarkan Aku Pergi!
[Setelah secara tidak sengaja bermain-main dengan sang legenda, dia dengan putus asa meminta bantuan ke Internet.] Setelah dikhianati oleh seorang mantan pacar bajingan dan kakak perempuannya, Catherine bersumpah akan menjadi bibi yang tidak tahu malu bagi mereka! Oleh karena itu, dia mengambil keuntungan pada paman mantan pacarnya. Dia tidak menyadari ternyata sang Paman itu lebih kaya dan lebih tampan dibanding mantan pacarnya. Sejak saat itu, dia menjadi istri yang romantis untuk paman mantan pacarnya dan selalu menggodanya. Meskipun pria itu akan memberinya sikap dingin, dia tidak keberatan selama dia bisa mempertahankan identitasnya sebagai bibi dari sang mantan pacar. Suatu hari, Catherine tiba-tiba menyadari bahwa dia menggoda orang yang salah! Pria yang selama ini dia rayu habis-habisan ternyata bukan paman si bajingan itu! Catherine sangat marah.”Aku sudah selesai. Aku ingin bercerai!” Shaun suaminya kehilangan kata-kata. Betapa tidak bertanggung jawabnya dia! Jika dia ingin bercerai, maka itu hanya akan menjadi mimpinya saja.
9.75.9M leídosCompleted