Chapter 5002
“This pill looks like ordinary candy, doesn’t it?”

“I think so too, and I don’t smell any medicinal fragrance at all. Is there a pill with no smell at all?”

Everyone knew that pills were amazing, and some high-end pills could hide their aroma very well.

Figo’s pill was good enough, but everyone still smelled the scent when he opened the box.

Philip's pill did not give off a scent, which was puzzling.

There were only two possibilities for this.

Philip’s pill was either a premium pill or a jelly bean.

Everyone was curious and waited for Philip to unveil the mystery.

Figo refused to believe that Philip had a premium pill. No one had ever seen or heard of it. How could anyone have one?

“No one in Orbit City is richer than the Larson family. If we've never seen this pill before, who else do you think can find one?

“Even the best level-seven alchemist can't make this pill. Who are you to say that this pill is effective?”

Everyone knew that the best alchemist on this con
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