Chapter 4997
Just when Philip was about to explore this place, a group of people approached from a distance.

They were chatting as they walked. They were quite a lively bunch.

Soon, they bumped into Philip.

Philip noticed the stark difference in their clothing.

These people were surprised to see Philip standing all alone here.

Philip quickly realized that this was a foreign land!

With his many years of experience surviving in foreign lands, Philip quickly adjusted to the situation.

“Hey, why are you wandering alone in Guzo Forest? It’s very dangerous, you know,” the leader of the group asked doubtfully.

This person in front of him was dressed strangely and did not seem to be from around here. Was he seeking refuge?

“I came with a team, but we encountered a monster beast and got separated!”

Philip quickly made up a random story.

The other party did not doubt his words. Philip was clearly a traveling merchant from another city.

Only such people would wear this strange attire.
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