Chapter 4999
This building was four stories high and looked magnificent. Many beautiful women in different costumes stood at the door to attract customers.

Their figures were excellent, and they looked at everyone with charm and seduction.

“Do you want to come in and take a look, sir? We just received some excellent products!”

“Our good quality and affordable prices are guaranteed to satisfy you!”

“Don’t miss the good deals!”

Philip was interested in their slogans.

He wanted to take a look to see what they sold inside.

Philip entered the store with the crowd and quickly realized that it was completely different from what he imagined.

The store had all the goods on proper display.

Philip shook his head in shame, getting rid of all his unrealistic thoughts.

The attendant took Philip for a tour, which allowed Philip to see what they sold.

In the past, Philip would have been amazed by the high-end products sold in this store.

However, now that he could make premium pills and wea
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