Chapter 6170
Harrison didn't even want to talk to his sons about what had just happened.

He knew very well that his pampered and well-protected descendants would not only be hopeless when it came to solutions but might even make matters worse.

Based on his understanding of his descendants, if he told them about the matter, there would definitely be some idiots who would swear to wipe out the Qing Eliminating Society to win his favor.

Therefore, Keith was the only one with whom he could discuss the matter.

After all, Keith had a connection—albeit a bad one—with the Qing Eliminating Society. He was also his senior as well as the elite few of the business community, hence, they shared the same level of thinking and worldview.

Harrison cleared his throat and asked sincerely, "Can you please help me weigh the situation and advise me on what to do?"

Keith pretended to give it some thought and advised, "You don't have to worry too much. Your top priority now is to keep the news under wraps. As
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