Chapter 6165
Hank accepted the order immediately. After ending the call, he mobilized several helicopters on standby to fly to the Acker family's aviation company.


Meanwhile, in one of the helicopter hangars of the aviation company.

After seeing on the flight software that the private jet he had booked had taken off smoothly and was flying toward Eastcliff, Zekeiah pulled out the fuel supply pipe specially used to refill aircraft gasoline for small helicopters from the hangar.

After pulling the fuel pipe to the side of the helicopter, he opened the cabin door and pulled the pipe directly into the cockpit.

He sat down, stepped on the fuel pipe to fix it, then lifted Mr. Zorro's body and made him sit upright on the seat before picking up his head and reattaching it to his severed neck.

Afterward, he took out an exquisite Dunhill lighter from his pocket, held it in one hand, and held the fuel supply switch of the pipe with the other hand. He then sat motionlessly, almost as if he was wai
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