Chapter 6167
The reason for Harrison's panic was that he had once heard his parents talking about the ancient and mysterious organization called the Qing Eliminating Society.

Although he didn't know much about it, his parents had advised him to steer clear of it if he ever stumbled upon the society.

It was because they couldn't bribe this organization like others—the Qing Eliminating Society preferred to have their debts paid with lives.

And when these people started going after lives, they damn well loved wiping out entire families.

However, in the United States, only prominent old-money families like the Rothschilds had heard of the existence of the Qing Eliminating Society, and the name was unknown to most people here.

The composition of the upper class in the United States was very complicated.

Some of them were the new rich, born from the internet era and the global financial industry after the rise of Silicon Valley and Wall Street financial markets. They were wealthy but lacked a
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