A book by Valeria Adams

New York Times bestseller

Number one best-selling book for twelve weeks.

The ad had appeared on the huge screen behind the film set. A makeup artist was busy getting her ready and the journalist laughed beside her; they were old friends after all.

When the director finally said “ACTION!”, the journalist started with the questions.

“Valeria, you became a famous writer almost since your first book came out, but I must admit that with this one you surprised us a lot. We were expecting more fantasy, more vampires and witches, and you suddenly give us this... family chronicle?”

“That's right. THE CEO’S LITTLE TROUBLEMAKER is the story of my grandparents,” answered Valeria. “A year ago, I found one of my grandmother's diaries, and... well, I was named after her, so I got very curious. She's an amazing designer, but there's a big part of her life that few people know about.”

“So... everything you're telling in this story... really
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