
It was the seventh day since Debby had been kept in a room. There was no way she could go against Harry's will as she knew that the consequences of her disobedience would be severe.

Talking about Fred, he had been coming to see her every day for the past seven days and each time he came, he asked the same question, which was when she was going to leave room.

Debby had no idea and all she could hope for at this point was that Harry would be able to reconsider the whole situation and eventually set her free.

Beinb locked up in a room by one's husband is a very horrible experience. He's treating her like a slave rather than a wife.

Meanwhile, for the past seven days, Harry has been reconsidering his stand with Edna. He wondered why he couldn't feel the connection he had with her, just like he had while he was young. Ever since Edna came back to his life, he had expected that he would establish a bond between himself and Edna, but that wasn't the case.

Tonight, Harry and Edna were havi
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