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The Secret of the Scorned Husband
The Secret of the Scorned Husband
A man in the wrong place and in the wrong place, accepting a challenge from his parents to get out of his confinement; one of the most powerful families in the world to save face decides to marry their ugly daughter and get rid of her, for which any man is good, as long as he signs the contract and conforms to their wishes, to be an obedient son-in-law. What if things are not as they seem and everyone has their own secrets?
1.3K leídosOngoing
Beyond the Darkness
Beyond the Darkness
Know the story of an evangelical Pastor of great prestige among the Christians of his community, for being eloquent in his sermons and for easily convincing his listeners to convert to Christianity, that is why he was soon separated from being converted to exercise the pastoral ministry, becoming the target of persecution by other workers willing to occupy the same ecclesiastical position. This resulted in a stormy persecution that destroyed his reputation, causing him to lose his family and live for several years in the dark, however, he knows someone who helps him to get out of the deep end and has the opportunity to restart his ministry and become the greatest Christian leader of his day.
1.7K leídosCompleted
The Max Level Hero: Strike Black
The Max Level Hero: Strike Black
A vast barbaric army is on the march. One hardened captain and his elite commandos are the kingdom’s last hope… Jack fights to honor and avenge those who died under his command. Hunted by savage foes, with only his small band of soldiers for support, it’s a race against time to put an end to the Owlaw’ leader before he unleashes a devastating new attack that would destroy everything he’s fought and bled to protect. “What do you think a hero is? It’s just the right person in the right place making the right choice at the right time. Heroes aren’t born. They’re made.”
4.4K leídosCompleted
The love is not for everyone
The love is not for everyone
Frank es un tipo descomplicado, no se da mala vida en nada y es algo inmaduro a veces, pero es extremadamente complejo cuando está manos a la obra. No por nada se ganó el título en la policía de la región del “fantasma” porque no deja huellas ni rastro a la hora de estafar a alguien nuevo. A sus veintinueve años no ha cometido ningún error él ni sus compañeros de trabajo. Todo iba bien hasta que su madre lo obliga a entrar a trabajar en la compañía familiar donde encuentra a Dylan, su asistente, un chico recién salido de la escuela que se vuelve su tormento, porque no lo deja en paz en ningún momento. Siempre siguiéndolo, siempre tratando de agradarle y que algún día pueda verlo como algo más que el niño que cumple con las tareas que el mismo debería hacer, pero Frank no es un tipo que cede, menos con alguien doce años menor que él y menos estando él a punto de casarse. ¿Acaso Dylan logrará conquistarlo? ¿o morirá en el intento?
104.4K leídosCompleted
The Bastards Of Hell MC (1)
The Bastards Of Hell MC (1)
Soy Tainxer "Tanque" Lionheart Follo tan duro como conduzco mi moto. No soy hombre de una sola mujer las follo y luego las saco fuera de mi habitación. Las mujeres me aman... Los hombres me temen. Mi MC me respecta. Soy el segundo al mando. Soy el segundo mejor. Nadie puede conmigo, nadie se mete en mi camino. Mato... Follo... Bebo... Soy imparable... Hasta qué... Ella aparece en mi vida. Cuando la vi, me convertí en un Neandertal, en un Bárbaro, deseando nada mas que follarla hasta la inconsciencia. Supongo que ahí fue donde me equivoque, porque la maldita realidad es que ella era el jodido Hades en persona. Mi marca personal de mujer. Soy Nixter y soy una Bastarda. Y él es mío... Tainxer Lionheart jodió su futuro el día en que puso sus ojos en mí. Soy una Bastards y él es un Riders, dos club hechos para ser enemigos, oh eso se creía... Hasta qué... Los dos hicimos que las reglas fueran hechas , porque las reglas se hicieron para romperse, ¿no es así? Yo lo hice... Y valió la pena cada puto día
24.4K leídosCompleted
Into the Woods
Into the Woods
Violet Tessy é uma princesa que, em seus catorze anos de vida, raramente foi além dos muros do castelo. Mimada e sempre fazendo piadinhas sobre tudo, nunca se adaptou com a rigidez com a qual precisa viver e espera um dia realmente poder sair daquele lugar por conta própria e viver as aventuras com as quais tanto sonha. Porém, seus pais superprotores insistem em assombrá-la com histórias descaradamente falsas sobre monstros que se escondem do lado de fora. Mas não é isso o que a impede de, em uma manhã tediosa, fugir para um bosque do outro lado do muro em busca de Ginger, seu gato de estimação. O que Violet não imaginava é que, com o misterioso desaparecimento de Jack Mitchell, filho do conde de seu reino, talvez as coisas estivessem mais perigosas que o normal. Seriam os "monstros" dos quais seus pais tanto falam? Ou somente coincidências estranhas? Mas o quê, afinal, pode se esconder por entre as árvores?
101.7K leídosCompleted
The Strategist
The Strategist
Micael PintoRomanceLoveRomance
A young man entering the course of noble cavalry falls in love with a beautiful woman, Juana Montes, wife of Oscar Gray, a diplomat who died on a peace mission between nations, leaving no heirs. Ernest Neutro, after refraining from marrying other women in virtue and sacrifice of the woman he met, after God had united them, social monsters constantly torment them
1.0K leídosOngoing
The Two Nerds
The Two Nerds
O pequeno Louis se muda para Holmes Chapel, onde conhece o encantador menino de cachinhos. E Niall é um garoto que veste saias que conhece uma pessoa que muda sua vida.
101.7K leídosCompleted
The Destiny - Inefable
The Destiny - Inefable
Tercera parte de Destiny. Borja alejó a Laura cuando se dio cuenta de que la relación se había vuelto demasiado formal para lo que estaba acostumbrado y ella se refugió en su mejor amigo, lo que hizo que los celos de Borja aflorasen y se diese cuenta de lo que había perdido. Volvió a por ella, pero ya era tarde. Pero ... él está decidido a recuperarla. ¿Lo logrará?
1.7K leídosCompleted
Hidden World - The curse of The island
Hidden World - The curse of The island
Within the bermuda triangle there are the most diverse creatures, but humanity does not know, just as the creatures inside do not know about the existence of a world outside the island. the strongest in the food chain are vampires, while the few humans who live there are just cattle living as such. The man is the one in power and the only one capable of leading all races, while women serve only their husbands. But Lilian does not want this life, she wants freedom and for that she is able to start a war, if necessary.
101.6K leídosCompleted